AlphaCICE is solution can be integrated with Alpha FusionView
Below you will see quick explanation about Alpha FusionView single pane of glass software and how it can be leveraged in context of Alpha Technologies service delivery lifecycle together with AlphaCICE as part of our Alpha FusionSmart Enterprise monitoring service.
What is Alpha FusionView?
- Alpha FusionView is our data analytic single pane of glass software designed to visualize different business transactions, applications, infrastructure, workflows and a lot more.
- It’s a uniquely created software by Alpha company with DBA Binary Fusion as subsidary, based on years of experience working with different customers and architectures, specifically designed with data visualizations bells and whistles that help companies visualize their data landscape, identify anomalies as part of our Alpha FusionML software offering, conduct forecasting and a lot more.
- With Alpha FusionView customers can get valuable business and infrastructure/application data insights that can help them minimize risk and save money on data ingestion costs.
- What makes this software so unique is that it can be hand crafted for almost any type of workflow, to produce data visualizations and historical trend data.
- Plus with custom integrations that we have already done for with other data visualization tools, our company can help organizations unify their data directly from their existing SIEMs, CMDBs, business analytic or enterprise monitoring tools.
Alpha FusionView Use cases
Some of such use cases include:
Keep Track of changes in your environment in relationship to business services impacted.
- View company’s changes, MIs, offices impacted, business services impacted and a lot more in the same correlational views.
Keep Track of your Employees & Contractors
- Behavioral Analytics for visualizing your employee’s working patterns while they work from home or in office.
- Identify pockets of opportunity in your employees behavior.
- Minimize waste of non working hours.
Keep track of changes done in your environment.
- Changes done on your network, environment by IT Engineers, ISP providers, developers, or other data owners.
- View what devices changes were done on, when and by which users, departments.
Keep track of your Major Incidents.
- Discover major incidents detected in your environment in relationship to specific business service.
- Identify gaps for what should be monitored vs what is not.
Keep track of Business Service Digital Experience
- View health score of digital experience for any business service in relationship to root cause, change control, MIs, location and previous historic conditions as well as other characteristics.
- See digital experience health score trends over time to spot potential incidents before they become major incidents.
Alpha FusionSmart Enterprise Monitoring Solution . The solution that can help customers visualize their in office and remote user connectivity by inter-combining multiple data sets from business application data, and infrastructure data, and unifying it all in a single pane of glass.
Imagine being able to visualize your existing connectivity to see which employees are working more effectively, for how long they are logged in, where did they log in, how much time they spent being logged in etc.
We can Visualize in a unified view your critical connectivity infrastructure.

Our company works with different types of vendors, ranging from Sophos, Fortigate, Checkpoint, Cisco, Ubiquiti, Splunk including Zscaler and many other vendors helping customers interconnect their branch offices to AWS or Azure, GCP clouds as well as visualize critical KPIs in Alpha FusionView.
With the help of Alpha FusionView software we can help companies visualize wired and wireless connectivity of remote and in office users. Additionally we can visualize workflows and critical KPIs that attributed to employee’s performance.
What type of other data visualizations Apha FusionView supports
In addition to visualizing infrastructure related data Alpha FusionView can visualize containerized micro-services and monolithic types applications, in combination of different types of business KPIs fetched from customer’s CMDB like Device 42, ServiceNow or others.
With Alpha FusionView software we ingest data, then slice it and dice it, pre-process it and ensure that the critical data is hashed or masked, helping companies standardize their data set in the form of unified dashboards split by department, impact, productivity, and other types of characteristics.
Our software can be adjusted per customer requirement, per specific workflow or set of workflows and can accept data from different types of data sources .
Alpha FusionML tool is an extenuation of Alpha FusionView tool except what it offers additionally is visualization of KPIs based on advanced AI, machine learning, natural language processing, forecasting and anomaly detection.
With Alpha FusionML we can help companies not only detect anomalous activities based on customized supervised or non-supervised machine learning models, but can also help companies inter-linking these anomalies through the chain of events based on geographical factors or any other type of data chaining functionality explicitly designed to help companies trace the original request or transaction, helping customers identify problems quicker.
Our team of data scientists and data analysts as well as network consultants and data integration experts work together side by side with your company’s data subject business experts to identify critical KPIs, pre-process data, build machine learning models, train and automatically retrain them helping companies identify trends and reduce risk.
Alpha FusionML is a separate module that gets deployed side by side with Alpha FusionView. This module allows us to train models based on different types of algorithms and run these models, and integrate results form these models directly in Alpha FusionView unified portal.
The best part about Alpha FusionML is that we don’t just build random models within the tool, we build models based on customer’s use case.
If you would like to learn more about Alpha FusionML solution contact us to receive more info and a customized presentation.
With Alpha FusionSmart solution our company helps organizations visualize their enterprise using already pre-existing tools that the organization may already have.
For example tools like DataDog, Splunk, SumoLogic, AppDynamics, Zenoss, Splunk, DynoTrace, NewRelic, SolarWinds, MuleSoft, Control M, Tableu, Power-BI, Logic Monitor, Entuity, Zscaler, Fortinet, Jira, Confluence, ServiceNow or other types of CMDB tools or Cyber Security tools such as CrowdStrike, Okta or others.
While working with different tools, we can help companies optimize their tools, minimize data ingestion costs and unify it all in Alpha FusionView single pane of glass helping companies visualize their entire layer 1 through 7 connectivity.
To learn more about our Alpha FusionSmart Enterprise Monitoring Solutions contact us to received customized presentation to see how we can help you take control of your environment, save money on already invested tools, while at the same time help you unify your KPIs in Alpha FusionView.
Monitoring web transaction logs and who visits what site, how long the person stays logs in, when they logged in and what applications they visit, is solely dependent on customer’s network architecture.
With Alpha FusionTrust Connectivity Solutions we can help companies transition to ZeroTrust Architecture, secure & simplify their remote and in office connectivity or alternatively help companies manage their existing Zero Trust Architecture and multi cloud environment.
Secure connectivity means greater control and application level visibility.
By enrolling into our customized Alpha FusionTrust solution customers get the benefit of both, ability to further increase security, simplify their traditional VPN connectivity and gain unified visibility of their in office or home employees directly in Alpha FusionView single pane of glass portal.
To learn more about our Alpha FusionTrust solution and request customized presentation to see how we can help you transition to Zero Trust Architecture maximize visibility and reduce risk contact us for details.
Data Slicing and Dicing of data is done with Alpha FusionQuery Language or short for AFQL.
- Grabbing data and visualizing data is done with the help of our Alpha FusionQuery Language. We have created customized operators that allow us and our customers visualize data, chain the data together using concept of distributed tracing, parse logs, and extract metrics.
- AFQL is very intuitive and easy to pick up type of language. When working with different customers we constantly enhance our operators and introduce functionalities based on different types of customer use cases.
- With Alpha FusionQuery Language we can extract data from multiple data sets, chain it together with critical events helping customers pain the whole picture of their environment.
Typical Example of what our customers ask us to do
Strategic AIOPS Event Management Use Case
Note in this use case you will see how multiple Alpha Technologies Alpha FusionView and AlphaCICE solutions come together to help customer with specific issues, where Alpha FusionView happens to be small sliver of the solution offering.
Problems we see customers face when it comes to Strategic Event Management
We get some customers who reach out to us and ask to improve their operational efficiency when it comes to Event Management.
- Problems that we instantly see is that customers have different types of enterprise architecture, with scattered AWS accounts, different departments running their own monitoring tools.
- No centralized view to what is happening with the incidents.
- Alerts being sent out to multiple data owners, often with multiple data owners being awake in the middle of the night for no good reason other then due to false positive alert.
- All that plus the very same fact that many of the monitoring and analytic tools that existing data owners use are not used to the full potential, with many of the AIOPS features not turned on and existing tools that customers pay for in the first place are not even being heavily utilized for the beneficial problem identification and AIOPS features that the tools offer.
- We see networking team and security team using separate tools, operation support team using other tools, with no single department having any type of strategic centralized level of intelligence across all the departments.
- This type of unfortunate hierarchy is what we see across many companies, who did not take control of their event management strategies.
- This type of unfortunate structure causes operations team be disconnected from the reality of what is being impacted and when it’s being impacted in context of the overall user impact.
- Additionally we see companies do not keep track of changes, with archaic workflows for event management escalations that simply require way too much manual overhead.
- We see incident managers and data owner operators manually initiating team meeting bridges after every MI and manually chasing different data owners for every issue to be resolved.
- We see no streamlined responsiveness from escalation resources to the major incidents.
- No integrated chat systems to drive the workflow where multiple team members can keep track of the incident.
- No predefined prescriptive actions to take control of the incident.
- Constant tail chasing, and ghost alert discovering.
- Existing tools that suppose to be tweaked, optimized, fine tuned to minimize costs are often ran ramped without supervision without any type of strategic AIOPS ITIL driven based framework that glues all the tools together to produce central correlated view on what’s happening with multiple business services and why.
- We see many data owner operators suffering from not seeing data that they want to see, when they need to see it.
- We see no appointed authority that facilitates AIOPS event management of heterogenous complexities rise from having multiple departments, multiple tools.
- The result is that companies either work with their existing resources to squeeze them into specific small time projects or tasks to keep track of all the tools, hoping many of the gaps can be fulfilled by internal employees.
- Yet the reality of it all, is that internal employees are often not specialized in this type of strategic ITIL AIOPS Event Management driven initiative.
- Many of such types of projects never see light of day, not to mention any of the milestones being completed.
- C level execs suffer to find middle ground between reducing risk, saving money and maximizing operational efficiencies, yet often such ground is hard to settle in, without AIOPS Event Management strategic road map objective.
- The type of objective that unifies multiple departments together, in context of business services, in order to see better trends, identify issues quicker, solve incidents quicker, reduce risk and save money.
Top Mistakes C Level Execs do when facing such problems
Mistake 1 Trying to leverage existing employees only
- The biggest mistake that we see c level execs do is start throwing bodies at the problem asking their existing teams to tweak tools and be the tools owner. Although that strategy can work well in a smaller company to some degree.
- The reality of the problem is the fact that not everyone is equipped with handling these types of problems.
- Simply because it takes years to train employees with best practices that exist out there today.
- In fact many tools evolve so quick that there is no precise precedence for what is the best approach and how it can be executed.
- The only thing that makes sense is to follow best event management practices and translating these best practices into continuous actions that benefit the company.
- Yet the reality of it all, many c level executives simply don’t have time to dive into the multiple data owners data sets, not to mention being able to translate what matters most in context of the existing data sets.
- Relying on employees that are split across different departments to create AIOPS correlated unified layer of intelligence is the worst thing that we see c level execs do, vs empowering and augmenting these very same employees with a strategic partner that can help C-Level execs orchestrate entire execution of the Event Management service in such a way that can empower your existing employees with prescriptive recommendations for what makes sense to do next when major incident takes place.
- Asking existing employees to recognize and see things strategically in context of multiple data sets is like trying to solve a murder mystery.
Mistake 2 – Not Unifying What Matters Most into Single Pane of Glass
- Many c-level execs often rely on existing tools to unify only specific sub-sets of the business service yet rarely recognize the dependency structure beneath the iceberg, that also requires monitoring.
- Some companies we see try to use one tool or another, but such tools eat up so much money that it becomes inefficient to even bother visualizing anything at all.
- Also trying to integrate multiple APIS and data sets into single pane of glass requires unique approach.
So what is the solution?
- Alpha FusionView and AlphaCICE comes to rescue.
- With ITIL driven best practices framework Alpha Technologies helps C level executives from such companies first of all get promoted, for strategically addressing such set of problems.
- Alpha Technologies partners up with C level executives, CTOs, CIOS, CEOs, to infuse strategic AIOPS Event Management road map into company’s yearly objectives.
- The road map is built across multiple phases, starting with assessment phase to identify existing gaps, feature sets that are underutilized across many different tools and low hanging fruit tasks that can be done quickly to address biggest pain points.
- The road map encompasses monitoring & analytic tools cost savings initiatives, alert streamlining initiatives, correlated output from multiple tools that drives incident escalation workflows in a more automated way, utilizing prescriptive recommendations based on the collective supervised data input from multiple data owners.
- Solution includes creation of dedicated layer of intelligence, that leverages AIOPS features from the existing tools.
- The very same features that Alpha Technologies helps data owners optimize, minimize false positive alerts, reduce duplicate alerts and best of all help your existing employees sleep better
- The exact details of the solution and presentation and road map objective can be shared with you separately along with the demo for our AlphaCICE and Alpha FusionView solution.
- Both solutions work side by side to maximize operational effectiveness, save money, and reduce risk.
Alpha Technologies AIOPS Event Management Solution
Minimizing False Positive Alerts and reducing duplicate Alerts is complicated.

Our AlphaView and AlphaCICE solutions delivered in phases
Alpha Service Initiation Phase 1
Solution above is split across, different phases, starting with Phase 1 initiation phase where we conduct gap analysis, assessment of your existing environment, tools, identify low hanging fruits and create strategic road map for your company’s use cases.
- During this phase is where we interview data owners, identify pain points, and create assessment document.
- This document is what we use throughout our ITIL driven service delivery lifecycle.
Alpha IT Service Management & Operations Phase 2
In phase 2 and we help you take control of your existing tools, tweak them to help you get the maximum value, unify them in AlphaView single pane of glass tool using our Alpha Framework and create correlational rules using AlphaCICE to catch events that matters most.
- During this phase is where AIOPS Event classification takes place, paving the roadway for correlational rule sets.
Phase 3 is all about streamlining events
Final phase is streamlining of events, where Alpha Technologies assists customers with creating operational playbooks and prescriptive recommendations based on the correlational rule sets. During this phase is where we integrate with other applications, SIEM systems. All this to help your data owners and operational staff to react to problems faster and work with events that matters most.
Other relevant Alpha Technologies Services
AlphaCICE & Alpha FusionView Service Details
Minimize false positive, duplicate alerts with AlphaCICE central intelligence correlation engine. AlphaCICE and unify all of your tools AIOPS events in a single pane of glass with Alpha FusionView. See how Alpha FusionSmart Enterprise Monitoring service that Alpha Technologies offer ties it all up together in context of multiple ITIL best practices phases.
AlphaCICE – Central Intelligence Correlation Engine
Minimize false positive, duplicate alerts with AlphaCICE central intelligence correlation engine. AlphaCICE is a custom solution and service offered by Alpha Technologies that is specifically designed for financial industries seeking to take control of their incident management process. Incident Managers can maximize their operational effectiveness through streamlined operationalized workflows, by relying on correlated supervised and unsupervised AIOPS classified intelligence fetched from your already existing monitoring tools. AlphaCICE is explicitly designed to reduce multiple events into a single actionable event that matters most, by empowering data owner operators with prescriptive & AI & ML driven recommendations
Alpha FusionView Data Single Pane of Glass Tool
Alpha FusionView is a software that helps companies visualize their network, microservices & monolithic application, infrastructure, cloud, in a single pane of glass. Unify your existing business data in a unified portal. Make sense of your data, analyze trends. Reduce ingestion costs from other tools by utilizing Alpha FusionView, reduce risk.
Industries We Service
Travel and Aviation
We help companies monitor Airport Networks and ATM devices, as well as wireless access points.
Financial Services
Our company helps Loan Processing firms, Banks, and other financial institutions monitor combination of both on premise and in cloud resources.
With Entuity we can monitor Campus networks for real time changes on infrastructure such as firewalls, routers, switches, SDN controllers.
Law Firms
We also work close with Law Firms and other types of legal organizations seeking to monitor their cloud and on premise resources.
Our company can help customers add foam spray pumps, or any other types of manufacturing devices, or IoT devices into Entuity monitoring software.
Accounting and CPA firms
Our company helps CPA accounting firms monitor their network for newly discovered devices, and changes in data.
Other Solutions & Services that we offer
Why Customers Pick Us

Automation of Applications
Automation of monolithic and microservice types of applications, software testing and quality assurance. Helping companies minimize manual tasks in every day operations and reduce costs by leveraging custom built automation scripts for your enterprise infrastructure, ranging from automation of APIs to orchestration of complex resources.
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Expertise in Cloud and On Premise Environments
Expertise in AI and ML with multiple clouds AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, Serverless Lambda Functions, Docker containers, and beyond as well as on-premise network & app infrastructure environments.
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Unified View
Custom-built view bridging your micro-services and monolithic application, infrastructure, and monitoring need all in one portal. For example, ServiceNow, Jira, CMDB, BMC Control M and Microservices all in 1 portal, helping customers visualize, slice, and dissect data as well as create reports, trends, and forecasts, based on results of any data, either coming from your on-premise or in cloud environment
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Based on Zero Trust Connectivity Architecture
Get your on site locations and remote office work force or IoT devices connected with the help of custom solutions designed to keep companies secure, while protecting employees form malicious threats.
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FusionCLM PKI Solutions
Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) and PKI services and solutions for companies seeking to take control of their certificate validation and enrollment needs, helping companies reduce risk
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